Tuesday 2 March 2010

Wisdom Calling...

Conjure up a need
a hunger from within
Expand your minds
enlarge depths of your hearts
making room for the power of clarity

She makes her presence known
sends constant invitations to
every mind, spirit, and elusive souls
souls, stuck at cross roads
weighed down by strongholds

She pleads for ears to acknowledge
the urgency of her call to visualise,
learn and embrace the counsel of the
one who knows the answers to it all

© Remi Banjo, March 2010
***picture by photobucket***


Unknown said...

He knows the answer to it all. Yes!

Hope you are good?

Jennifer A. said...

wow. Wisdom pleads, and not all listen. Then we make mistakes...

kelvin s.m. said...

...awesome... and you nailed it... a call often ignored... very uplifting and always a pleasure to read...!!!:)

P.S. Thank you for your appreciations on my blog...!!!:)

Good day!!!:)

A blessed weekend!!!:)
