He reaches for the bags of seeds
thoughts on the day's desired harvest
what he hopes will be the yield
when he sows some seeds in earnest
On the old wooden table, like his father used to,
he arranges the bags and sits on the aged wooden stool
whilst remembering the results of past planting seasons
he and his family recently lived through
66 bags of miracle seeds
impregnated with manifestations
of desired results for all to see
awaits to be planted in love and faith
wrapped up in pure and simple believe
© Remi Banjo, March 2010
***picture by photobucket***
That Bible you hold in your hands is a book of seeds. Seeds to be planted over and over again in faith and simple believe. Do you want some healing, get yourself some healing seeds (the word on healing) and plant them in your life. You want some wealth, get yourself some prosperity seed and plant them in your life.
66 books of seeds impregnated with an infinity multiplication potential of itself, is available to you today!